Nursing process is a series of planned steps and action directed at meeting the needs and sloving the problem of people.
Process means a series of event leading to another forwaed goal. The nursing process is a systematic , problem sloving approach to nursing care, based on broad theoretical knowledge combined with technical and communication skills .
    For the effectiveness of nursing process require three types of skill which are:
Manual skills
Intellectual skills
Interpersonal skills

       A nurse follows the nursing process to organize and deliver nursing care . Use of the process allows the nurse to integrate elements of critical thinking to make judgements and take actions based on reason. The nursing process is used to identify, diagnose and treat human responses to health and illness (By American Nurse Association )

    Nursing process may be defined as a systemic way of assessing the patients need, planning care implementation and evaluating the outcome of care given. It is  a scientific and problem sloving approach.

For client
Improved quality of nursing care
Continuity of care
Patients participation in the case
For nurse
Develop confidence
Job satisfaction

The patient is individual and needs individual and needs individualized care
The kind of nursing care required is based on the individually health problem or needs. An unfulfilled become a care.
The patient and those close to him need a participate and be consulted about care to be given.
The nursing staff needs to communicate more with each other giving care.
So, before dealing the nursing process it is better to deal with developing care competences related to it.
There are four  required blended skills which as follows.
Cognitive skills
Technical skills
Interpersonal skills
Legal skills
It enable the nurse to reason about the nature of things sufficiently to make care of their world. Able to select those nursing action which are most likely to yield desired outcomes.
Able to use critical thinking to problem solving
Critical thinking is a  systematic way to form of shape one’s thinking.
To have better cognitive skills we need following things.

Keen observation
Critical thinking
Making decision
Making judgment
Applying knowledge from theory to practice.

Use technical equipment with sufficient competence and case to achieve goals with minimal distress.

It enables nurses to establish and maintain caring relationships that facilitate the achievement of valued goals.
For the effective interpersonal skills we need following things:-

Communication teaching
Legal skills
       It enables nurse to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with their personal moral code and professional role responsibilities
                  Nurse skilled in ethical legal competencies are able to:-
Be trusted to act in ways which advance the interests of client.
Be accountable for their practice to themselves
Act as effective client advocates
Use legal safeguard which reduce the risk of ligation


Collect data
Organize data
Validate data
Document data      
Analyzed data
Identity health problems, risk & strengths
Formulate diagnosis      
Collected data realted to outcomes
Compare data with outcomes
Draw conclusions about problems status
Continue modify or terminate the client’s plans.   

Prioritize problem
Formulate goals / desired outcome
Select nursing actions
Write nursing actions


Re-assess the client
Determine the nurses need for assistance
Implement the nursing order    

   It is the first step of nursing process. It is the systematic & continuous collection
Organization validation & documentation of data.
    This includes data about the person’s physical & psychological status or study of the patient is a whole to identify his strengths & weakness & his needs  & problems.
It doesn’t focus on disease as do medical assessment.
            There are  4 different types of assessment.
Initial assessment
Problems focused assessment
Emergency assessment
Time lapsed reassessment
e.g His temperature is 100 degree F
Sources of data
Primary source
Secondary source

ii> Organization of data
               After collecting the data, the data must be organized according to hierarchical order.
We can organize the data by using Maslow’s hierarchical order.
        After  collecting data, it should be reviewed for any omission, incompleteness. If  it is missing go back to the patient and collect the data
iii> Validation  of data
           It is the act of double checking or verifying whether they are accurate of not
iv> Documentation of data
              To complete the assessment phase, the nurse records client’s data. It is essential & should include all data collected about client’s health status.

2>   Nursing Diagnosis
       Nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about individual family or community which includes family or community which includes actual or potential health problems life process. It provides a basis for the selection of correct nursing intervention to achieve outcomes.

Components of  a NANDA nursing diagnosis
Problem (P)
Etiology (E)
Defining characteristics

      The problem is a description of the client’s actual or potential. The purpose of the problem, statement is to describe health status of health problem clearly & concisely as possible .

NANDA  recommends the use of quantifiers  while writing the problem which includes the problem which includes alterd,impaired, deficient etc

        It reflects the factors believed to be related  identified problems. It shows the relationship between cause and effect.

Defining characteristics
          It is the cluster of sign & symptom that include of particular diagnostic label.

Ii> Formulating nursing diagnosis
         Most nursing diagnosis is written as two part of three part.
Two part statements nursing diagnosis

Three part statements nursing diagnosis
This is known as PES format that includes problem, etiology, sigh & symptoms.

Example of nursing diagnosis of respiratory illness patient
Ineffective breathing pattern related to retained secreatins